Twitter Keeps Missing Its Advertising Targets as Woes Mount
Under Elon Musk, the company has cut its financial expectations as some advertisers request discounts and are offered incentives.
Under Elon Musk, the company has cut its financial expectations as some advertisers request discounts and are offered incentives.
Major ad agencies say that almost all of the big brands have paused or dramatically cut their ad spend on the platform, fearing the wild west created by the changes Musk has made. Twitter advertisers offered buy-one-get-one-free ads in the latest desperate attempt to persuade them to return … Background Twitter has changed dramatically under …
Twitter offers advertisers BOGO ads to try to win them back; Ye suspended again Read More »
Twitter Ads: Something of a gold standard, social media ads can be fine-tuned and tailored to individual users on a mass scale, and have been particularly lucrative for Meta’s Facebook and Instagram, as well as Google.
Eli Lilly’s stock tanked 6% over just one day late last week, wiping billions of dollars from its market cap amid a single tweet from a fake account that was verified by Twitter. | Eli Lilly’s stock tanked 6% over just one day late last week, wiping billions of dollars from its market cap amid …
Eli Lilly pulls Twitter ads after blue check fallout: report Read More »
Twitter’s losing support from its biggest advertisers.
Elon Musk’s aerospace business SpaceX just ordered one of the larger advertising packages available from Twitter.
Global advertising agency Omnicom Media Group has recommended its clients not to spend on Elon Musk-run Twitter’s advertising campaigns amid chaos.
In his first meeting with Twitter employees, Musk said if he saw “ads for gizmos … I’d buy them all in a click. Even if they’re not that great.”
Following Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, businesses are halting their advertisement.
Advertisers are grappling with Twitter’s new ownership under Tesla boss Elon Musk. To pause or carry on is the dilemma that several brands are facing about spending their advertising dollars/rupees on the micro-blogging platform. Musk on his own has acknowledged a fall in ad revenue on Twitter. “Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, …
Twitter under Elon Musk: Brands that have stopped ads and ones that are sticking around Read More »