Omneky uses AI to generate social media ads
Omneky automatically adds tags to each ad using computer vision and text analysis.
Omneky automatically adds tags to each ad using computer vision and text analysis.
Mastriano’s ties to the anti-Semitic social media site Gab are highlighted in ads paid for by gun safety and pro-democracy groups.
Retail media is bigger than you might think, and growing. But what actually IS retail media, and what is driving this trend? Here are five reasons why retail media is capturing the hearts and budgets of advertisers.
/PRNewswire/ — Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS), a global leader in digital media quality, today released the 17th edition of its Media Quality Report (MQR)….
Brands are hungry to reach the world’s one in three people who game – which has traditionally been an ad-free space. In order to supercharge gaming advertising, IAB UK has launched new measurement guidelines for in-game ads.
As per a recent survey conducted by consumer data intelligence consultancy Axis My India, only 17% notice ads on social media platforms, 15% on print, 6% on
Learn how to research and target competitors’ audiences in your next Instagram ad campaign.
Learn how to research and model your competitors’ audience targeting to get more from your Twitter ads.
SINGAPORE – Online shoppers in Singapore are increasingly being influenced by social media advertisements, with two in five who shop across borders saying they discovered new products after viewing advertisements on Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp. Read more at