This bug in Android Auto prevents you from being informed while driving
Android Auto It has been created by Google so that we do not suffer distractions while driving and, at the same time, we can be informed of the latest news,
Android Auto It has been created by Google so that we do not suffer distractions while driving and, at the same time, we can be informed of the latest news,
An iPhone 14 for $500? Apple has zero chill as the upcoming iPhone SE 4 promises to crush Android’s budget segment reign.
🔊 SOUND ON: The Android Police podcast has an early candidate for sleeper phone for 2023!
Accuweather just upgraded forecasts in its app across Android and iOS, with more details and readily available information.
They are called passkeys and they are called to change the way we relate to passwords and the challenges they pose. Google, Apple and Microsoft teamed up last
Redmond- based tech giant has earlier put ads only in the ‘Other’ tab for free users, but since a few months the ads are also appearing in the single-inbox mode.
Outlook is a popular email service from Microsoft. It has around 500 million users around the world. Since anyone can use Outlook for free, the platform shows some ads for users. However, it seems that Microsoft is making its ads strategy more aggressive for users of Outlook’s iOS and Android apps. For those not familiar, …
Microsoft Outlook is now showing more ads in its iOS and Android app Read More »
Apple may be planning to introduce ads to more iPhone apps but these advertisements will likely be different from the ones you see on some Android phones.
Would it bug you if there were ads right there on your phone’s lock screen? Get ready. They’re coming.
Glance, an ad company owned by InMobi Group, has made headlines over the past few days for its planned lock screen ads platform for Android smartphones. You probably don’t have to worry about it coming to your next Android device, though.